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Hey guys what is up, back again with me Duke Crescent! Sorry for my long hiatus, dikarenakan oleh tugas kuliah yang menumpuk, I need to stop contributing for a while. But, I'm back guys! But before we begin, saya pribadi ingin mengucapkan mohon maaf lahir batin kepada semua readers, admins and YGO! family across the world. Mulai dari 8000 Life Points yah :P
So, let's get started on the segment today, Emperian's What's Happening!
Today we will talk about the recent tredning topic on YGO! duelist worldwide: #OccupyYGO
#OccupyYGO adalah satu gerakan dari Joseph Giorlando, one of the top player dari ARG. Gerakan? Gerakan untuk apa? What is the real purpose of #OccupyYGO? Let's take a look at his explanation and all the things regarding #OccupyYGO right here.
Jadi, #OccupyYGO ini adalah satu bentuk demand kepada Konami untuk meningkatkan kualitas game secara menyeluruh. Apa saja hal-hal yang bisa ditingkatkan? Well, based on the link above, these are some of the things that can be upgraded:
1. Better Coverage
Event coverage yang lebih baik artinya Konami bisa memberikan informasi yang sangat lengkap regarding certain events. Saat YGO! dihandle oleh UDE, coverage yang diberikan pada setiap event sangat lengkap. Contoh event coverage jaman dulu yang terdapat disitus metagame bisa dilihat disini. Event coverage di metagame consist of feature matches, top cut decklists dan useful article.
2. Live Streams
Live streams currently applied only on Worlds Championship (will be held tonight, on 23.00 WIB, bisa di streaming secara online di website YGO! official). Jika event seperti YCS atau WCQ memiliki fitur live streams, players around the world can experience the matches directly, making it way more interesting!
3. Better Prize Support
Prize pool YGO! dianggap lebih kecil daripada TCG lainnya, mainly Magic: The Gathering. MTG mempunya prize support yang sangat besar valuenya, making the game even more competitive. Recently revealed YCS prize, Number 106: Giant Hand juga banyak membuat orang feel disappointed. Better prize support here means cash money, ipads, etc.
Then, action apakah yang akan dilakukan dalam #OccupyYGO? Boycott the YCS Toronto which will be held approximately one month from now. The complete information can be received dari situs Joe G. diatas.
Seperti biasanya, some people agree and some people don't. You can see the arguments and perspective in the facebook group. Another discussion about this can be found in youtube and other blogs. You can check Michael Bonacini's Death Aspect, V's blog and LFN's blog.
Okay, segitu dulu ya guys, I'll try to post frequently from now on, once again, happy holiday! :D
-Duke Crescent
dafuq did i just draw |
So, let's get started on the segment today, Emperian's What's Happening!
Today we will talk about the recent tredning topic on YGO! duelist worldwide: #OccupyYGO
#OccupyYGO adalah satu gerakan dari Joseph Giorlando, one of the top player dari ARG. Gerakan? Gerakan untuk apa? What is the real purpose of #OccupyYGO? Let's take a look at his explanation and all the things regarding #OccupyYGO right here.
Konami Oppression? |
Jadi, #OccupyYGO ini adalah satu bentuk demand kepada Konami untuk meningkatkan kualitas game secara menyeluruh. Apa saja hal-hal yang bisa ditingkatkan? Well, based on the link above, these are some of the things that can be upgraded:
1. Better Coverage
Event coverage yang lebih baik artinya Konami bisa memberikan informasi yang sangat lengkap regarding certain events. Saat YGO! dihandle oleh UDE, coverage yang diberikan pada setiap event sangat lengkap. Contoh event coverage jaman dulu yang terdapat disitus metagame bisa dilihat disini. Event coverage di metagame consist of feature matches, top cut decklists dan useful article.
2. Live Streams
Live streams currently applied only on Worlds Championship (will be held tonight, on 23.00 WIB, bisa di streaming secara online di website YGO! official). Jika event seperti YCS atau WCQ memiliki fitur live streams, players around the world can experience the matches directly, making it way more interesting!
3. Better Prize Support
Prize pool YGO! dianggap lebih kecil daripada TCG lainnya, mainly Magic: The Gathering. MTG mempunya prize support yang sangat besar valuenya, making the game even more competitive. Recently revealed YCS prize, Number 106: Giant Hand juga banyak membuat orang feel disappointed. Better prize support here means cash money, ipads, etc.
Then, action apakah yang akan dilakukan dalam #OccupyYGO? Boycott the YCS Toronto which will be held approximately one month from now. The complete information can be received dari situs Joe G. diatas.
Seperti biasanya, some people agree and some people don't. You can see the arguments and perspective in the facebook group. Another discussion about this can be found in youtube and other blogs. You can check Michael Bonacini's Death Aspect, V's blog and LFN's blog.
Okay, segitu dulu ya guys, I'll try to post frequently from now on, once again, happy holiday! :D
-Duke Crescent
Point2 itu emang yg bnyk disebut bebrapa duelist, khususnya Bonachini sejak lama, bhkan vakum blogging buat bhas YGO, kalo dr perhitungan dia emang selisih cukup lebar antara ygo dgn tcg lain...
BalasHapusKalo masalah hadiah.. Setauku aku pernah baca hadiahnya pernah ada xbox dkk... Cuman memang masih kalah sama mtg.. Contoh real aja deh.. Adekku ikut qualifier mtg di bandung berhasil masuk top 8 yg mana hadiahnya free trip ke austalia! Cuman akhirnya disogok brp juta aku lupa buat ngalah... :p